9 Top Attractions Around Vientiane Laos

Tuk tuk ride in the city

Vientiane is the vibrant capital of Laos located on the bank of Mekong River. Although it is indeed the largest city in Laos it feels much more like a small town. The architecture is a combination of Asian and French Colonial style. Tuks-tuks and motorbikes zoom the streets. I have family in Vientiane so was fortunate to have had the ultimate local tour guide experience. I’m spreading the love and sharing those local recommendations on this list of 9 must-see attractions for your visit to Vientiane.

1. Patuxai

Major tourist attraction Patuxai Vientiane, Laos

Located in city center Patuxai, Victory Gate, was built in dedication of the Lao fight for independence from France. It is often called the “Arc de Triomphe of Vientiane” because of its resemblance to the Parisian counterpart.

Wander Tip: For a small fee you can head to the top of the monument for a fantastic view of the city.

2. Pha That Luang

Must visit Pha That Luang Golden Great Stupa in Vientiane, Laos

The majestic Pha That Luang is a huge golden Buddhist stupa located in the center of the city. This sacred monument with its remarkable design is a must-see attraction. There are many temples on the grounds in the surrounding area.

3. Buddha Park

Must see Buddha Park

Buddha Park, Xieng Khuan, is a sculpture park located about 25 km from Vientiane. With over 200 cryptic sculptures the park gives off a bit of an eerie vibe which adds to its overall quirkiness.

The crown jewel a gigantic reclining Buddha lies in the middle of the park. In addition, there lies a large pumpkin-like sculpture with three stories representing Heaven, Earth, and Hell. You literally enter through the demon’s mouth and climb to the top for a view of the entire vicinity. Somehow I missed the fact that we could go inside so I didn’t do this during my visit.

4. Temples

There is an abundance of beautiful temples in Vientiane and visiting one should definitely be on your to do list. Admire ornate architecture and immerse yourself in the culture.

Below are a few of the temples I visited during my trip:

Wat That Luang Neua

Large temple Wat That Luang Neua in Vientiane Laos

Wat Si Muang

Golden Buddhist statues at Wat Si Muang

Wat That Luang Tai

Monks at Wat That Luang Tai Garden in Vientiane, Laos

5. Markets

Night Market Souvenir Vendor selling clothes and more

There are plenty of markets in Vientiane including both daytime and nighttime ones. Feel free to haggle over clothes, souvenirs, jewelry, etc. Then hop over to the food stalls and eat to your heart’s content. Check out my list of recommendations for best eats in Laos.

Wander Tip: The grand night market by the Promenade is a great option. Swing by the area around sundown and be rewarded with a gorgeous sunset.

6. Luang Prabang

Luang Prabang Town Lao locals riding scooters/motorbikes

Luang Prabang is a charming little town in the heart of a mountainous region and worth a trip down from Vientiane. The drive here was an adventure in itself. Props to my uncle’s friend for his mad driving skills. It was an adrenaline rush maneuvering the extremely bumpy and tight windy roads. During the journey we hit a road block of a herd of cattle roaming about freely. We also passed a little village which was truly an eye-opener.

7. Mt. Phousi Lookout

Mt. Phousi Hill Hike Lookout view of nature and overlooks Mekong River

Mt. Phousi is located in the heart of Luang Prabang and features a popular lookout. But FIRST you need to climb 300 steps (a leg burner for sure but I promise it will be worth it)! Once at the top of the hill you’ll be rewarded with a stunning panoramic view.

8. Kuang Si Falls

Beautiful Kuang Si Waterpark Waterfall

Situated about 29 km south of Luang Prabang, Kuang Si Falls is a breathtaking 3-tier waterfall in the middle of the jungle. There are a number of shallow pools where you can take a dip in the clear turquoise water. Otherwise, you can simply relax and marvel at the beauty of it all.

9. Tham Chang Cave

Orange bridge over Nam Song River leading to Tham Chang Cave in Vang Vieng

Tham Chang Cave is located just southwest of the small tourist town Vang Vieng. Cross the picturesque orange bridge over the Nam Song River to get to this spectacular cave.

My #1 Pick

Hands down my absolute favorite spot was Kuang Si Falls! This was my first time ever visiting a waterfall and till this day still one of the best waterfalls I’ve seen by far. Trust me of all the attractions on this list you definitely don’t want to miss out on Kuang Si Falls.

So if you’re visiting Vientiane be sure to check out these 9 top unmissable attractions! If you still need convincing check out these photos that will inspire you to take a trip to Laos.

Read more about my personal experience and culture shock in Laos during my very first overseas trip.

Which Vientiane attraction is your favorite? What sights would you add to this list? Let me know in the comments below!

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  1. Wow amazing. Ithink I can believe your comment. The fall looks so clean and beautiful especially with the color!

    1. Hi! Yes, I agree it’s so beautiful there!

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