Korea Turning Point: Teaching English Abroad

Andong Hahoe Folk Village


  1. Hi, what are the chances of being placed in seoul as a first time applicant in Epik? I want to teach in Seoul.

    1. Hi! I was also a first time applicant and applied for EPIK through Korvia. I put down Seoul as my #1 preference but I stated I was open to any location. At the end I got placed in Seoul. It’s hard to say what the chances of getting into Seoul are. Seoul is very competitive so I think doing extremely well on your EPIK interview can help increase your chances. I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions 😀

  2. What is the video in a class with 3 or 4th grade in Korea on your yyoutube video?

    1. Hello! Yes, it was the students doing a warm-up song 🙂

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