EPIK Korea Application Process Timeline

EPIK Process Timeline Documents: Application Form, TEFL, Notice of Appointment, Korvia

For some of you that are looking into EPIK (English Program in Korea), you might find the entire application process timeline a bit lengthy and confusing. Having gone through it myself, I created this guide breaking down the process with my exact dates to give you a better idea of what to expect.

How to Apply

One of the first steps is to figure out whether you want to apply directly through EPIK’s website or through a 3rd party. I decided to go with a recruitment agency (Korvia Consulting) because the whole process seemed a bit daunting so I preferred to have some guidance along the way.

Brief Outline of EPIK Timeline

Below this table you will find my detailed step-by-step breakdown with dates

EPIK Process
1. Apply at Korvia
2. Interview with Korvia recruiter
3. Submit initial documents
4. Interview with EPIK
5. Submit final documents
6. Placement Notice
7. Apply for E2 visa
8. Fly to Korea and start your EPIK journey

When I made the decision that I indeed wanted to embark on this EPIK journey, unfortunately applications for the fall semester had already ended. So I wanted to ensure that I did everything I could to be ready for the Spring deadline. At the time I didn’t realize school semesters in Korea actually started in the springtime so in hindsight this was actually the ideal situation.

Since I didn’t come from a teaching background the first step for me was to get my TEFL certification.

My Actual Timeline

July 25– I started my TEFL certification course online (I took i-to-i)

August 26– I completed my TEFL certification

September 1– Korvia notified me they received my online Korvia application

September 2– Korvia recruiter emailed me the invite for my Skype interview scheduled for September 3rd 10:40-11:20 AM KST

September 3– Skype call with Korvia recruiter (main purpose was for my recruiter to get to know me better so they could better assist me)

After the interview my recruiter emailed me requesting submission of initial documents

Initial Documents
Scanned completed EPIK application form
2 scanned copies of signed letters of recommendation
Additional attachments required for Seoul (or other regions)

September 13 I submitted initial documents via email

September 14– I received an automated email from Korvia confirming my initial documents were accepted

Next I had to wait for my EPIK interview (interviews started mid-October)

October 22– I received my EPIK interview invite scheduled for October 29th 12:50-1:20 PM KST

October 28– Interview with an EPIK staff member via Skype

October 29– Korvia notified me that I passed my EPIK interview

They sent me a list of final documents I needed to submit

They informed me that EPIK wouldn’t start referring me to the MOE/POE (metropolitan office of education/provincial office of education) until they received my final documents and it would be on a first-come first-served basis

Final Documents
Hard copies of initial documents (signed completed EPIK application with 2 passport photos, 2 original letters of recommendation, additional Seoul attachments)
Photocopy of passport information page
Apostilled original criminal background check
Apostilled copy of Bachelor’s degree diploma (and/or Master’s degree)
2 sealed official university transcripts
Photocopy of TEFL certificate (or other teaching credential)
Smoking sworn declaration

November 2– I expedited a package containing all my final documents over to Korvia

November 5– Korvia notified me that EPIK was reviewing my final documents

November 26– Korvia confirmed that EPIK approved all my documents

Now EPIK will start recommending me to the different MOE and POE

I would be notified of my placement sometime in December

December 30– Korvia notified me of my placement in SMOE (Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education)

Next they would send out my NOA (notice of appointment) and final contract sometime in January

January 21– Korvia informed me that my NOA and final contract was on its way in the mail

Once I received the NOA I could apply for my E2 visa at the Korean consulate

I also received an email with information regarding orientation

January 26– I obtained my E2 visa from the Korean consulate

January 31– I booked a direct flight to Seoul, South Korea

February 20– I boarded my flight to Korea

February 22– I arrived in Seoul and began my EPIK journey


The entire EPIK application timeline felt long and short at the same time if that makes any sense. Once I received my placement notification time seemed to fly by. There was a lot of final preparations that I had to get done such as quitting my job, packing my life in a suitcase, saying my goodbyes, etc. Before I knew it I was on a flight to South Korea.

I invested so much time, effort, and money into this whole process. I hadn’t wanted something so bad like this in a long time. So it felt surreal the first day I stepped foot into my apartment in Seoul. It was right then and there that it finally hit me that my adventure of a lifetime was about to begin.


In the end the extensive EPIK application process was well worth it. I applied to EPIK in 2015 and was accepted into the 2016 spring intake. I actually ended up renewing my contract so I stayed in South Korea for 2 years from March 2016 – February 2018.

I had the most AMAZING experience in Korea and I highly recommend EPIK to anyone thinking about teaching English abroad.

I hope you found this guide helpful and that the EPIK application timeline is now a little more clear.

Please note that there may be some changes since when I applied. For example, it used to be first come first served where getting everything sorted early on increased your chances of getting the placement you wanted but that’s no longer the case. Although I still think that it’s beneficial to apply early since competition is stiff.

Be sure to check out my post about the 14 Benefits of Teaching English Abroad in Korea Through EPIK.

Read about how I came to making the decision to drop everything in America and move to Korea.

Are you in the process of applying for EPIK? Where are you hoping to get placed? Let me know in the comments!

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*Stay up to date with the latest information found on Korvia and EPIK’s official website

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