COVID-19 and Wanderlust Anxiety

staring at mountains in South Island New Zealand

When I returned to the States in November 2019, I never would have guessed that I would still be in America in 2021. I had come back home only to surprise my family and visit for a short duration after finishing a year in New Zealand. 2020 marked the beginning of a new decade and was supposed to represent new plans, new travels, and a clean slate. However, every ounce of hope went out the window when COVID-19 took over the world leading to my wanderlust anxiety.


I had a big trip to South America all booked for April but of course that got canceled and I’m still waiting for refunds till this day. I had a flight to Australia in May to start my highly anticipated yearlong working holiday but obviously that never happened neither. My visa has expired now and the worst part is that I am no longer eligible to reapply because I have surpassed the age limit. My only forms of travel have been binge watching The Amazing Race and living vicariously through Emily in Paris.

For those travel-starved individuals who feel “stuck” left with very few options to satisfy their wanderlust, I feel you! For us it’s not just a vacation it’s a way of life.

I personally feel like my life came to a halt resulting in a whirlwind of emotions. I had a major life-style change transitioning from always on the go (hiking, exploring, what have you) to being cooped up in the house. I switched from not watching any TV abroad to becoming a couch potato at home. This pandemic began to take its toll on me and I started to suffer from extreme cabin fever.

On the Bright Side

I had to remind myself that I wasn’t alone. This pandemic is impacting everyone in the world in some shape or form. Some people have it a lot worse and are dealing with much bigger issues. I’m grateful to be with family (even though they drive me nuts at times). I can’t even imagine being stranded somewhere on my own during the midst of all this. Reevaluating the situation and putting things into perspective has kept me grounded.

Moreover, I FINALLY found time to get this blog launched! It’s been a long time coming; I had already pushed it off for several years by now. The first time was when I set off to South Korea in 2016 and then again when I left for New Zealand in 2018. Life just always seemed to get in the way (pure procrastination I guess).

Due to the pandemic I literally had no more excuses; I had all the free time in the world. Through the blog I am able to go down memory lane and relive my travels in a way. It has definitely helped lift my spirits.


This period has been a time of reflection on my evolution as a traveler. It has validated the idea of seizing the day because sometimes “later” never happens. For some nomads perhaps they have come to the realization that they actually want to settle down somewhere. For me personally my wanderlust has only been magnified. There’s a lot more of the world that I still want to see. Furthermore, I guess I am still on the search for my forever home.

We all have to do our parts during these unprecedented times. At least with vaccines rolling out things are starting to look up so hopefully the worst is behind us. For now I can only look forward to when it’s safe to travel again. Until then I’m going to use this time to plan future escapades so when we get the green light I’ll be ready to jet set right away!

How has the pandemic interrupted your life? Where’s the first place you would like to travel to once it’s all over? Let me know in the comments!

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